Glamdroid® @ Nike Town

In the highly competitive sneaker market, where innovation and unique customer engagement are crucial, Nike continually seeks to stay ahead. With over $44.5 billion in annual revenue and a global market share of 27.4%, Nike remains a leader in the industry.

Recently, Nike Town in London hosted a standout event to launch Nike’s latest Airmax shoe with Glamdroid®. Known for turning events into extraordinary, shareable experiences, Glamdroid® captured guests showcasing their fashion and runway skills, producing glamorous videos instantly shareable on social media.

Nike Town London hosted a unique Airmax launch event featuring Glamdroid®

The success of Glamdroid® at Nike Town highlights the potential of immersive technologies in modern marketing. Noonah’s Glamdroid® is setting the standard for interactive brand experiences, where every moment can be captured, shared, and celebrated in real-time.