McDonald’s Ultimate Festival Experience

Following three years of successful McFlurry festival campaigns, Fuse briefed us to produce a cutting-edge, immersive, content-generating McDonald’s experience across six music festivals.

Central to this campaign was McNuggets, and we are working with Fuse to create the most immersive McDonald’s festival experience. The experience needed to be show-stopping, getting a 16-24-year-old Instagram-savvy, festival-loving audience to share the content on social.

Noonah created the most immersive McDonald’s festival experience.

From 16,368 videos, this produced an incredible 104,550 impressions. Imagine that across the whole of the UK festival scene, there would be incredible numbers. So, if you’re looking at ways to engage audiences during your festival marketing activations, talk to our friendly team of experts (whether you want some creative inspiration or even to bounce some ideas around).